How did it start?
The Washington Alpine Club has an amazing history - it is over 100 years old (the WAC site has a good summary). At the WAC cabin there are incredible photos from the club's history.
Pete Steel started the Basic Climbing Class. He moved to Seattle from Canada in about 1952. He took the Mountaineers course and felt that the WAC needed a course too. Around '54 he started the class. He was an active climber, but even more of a skier. He was skiing into his 80's. All the old WAC bulletins are archived (Seattle Public Library Downtown).
The Backcountry Class was put together by Louis McCronin. He was an Australian guy who was active in the club. It was his idea but he sat down with Pat O'Brien in Pat's living room and put together the initial plan for it somewhere around the mid 90's. He's since moved back to Australia.
There has been the Wednesday ski class also. Way in the past the cabin had rope tows out back. This was before the lifts at the summit. The WAC had ski classes back then. Lots of old timers say that is where they learned. Then there was the telemark class started by Pete Bustanaby. That's what has morphed to the Wednesday night ski class.
Andy Toyota put together the Intermediate Climbing Course. Stacy Earlywine was doing a lead class and Pat O'Brien was teaching an ice class. It was Andy's idea to meld them into an overall course.
If anyone has additional info about how and when the classes started, and to whom credit is due, we would love to hear from you!
This is a rough stab at all the cochairs for the classes over the years. This is not in order and is primarily the Basic Class cochairs. If anyone can contribute to this list or help add dates, please contact wac-icc-chairs@googlegroups.com .
Pete Steel
Dick Von Hagel
Pete Bustanaby
Dale Ott
Pat O'Brien (36 years running the course)
Maria Lee
Mary Whitfield
George Snelling
Joan Yuen
Eric Semsak
Jonathon Pryce
Chris Moore
Sim Larkin
Fred Slater
KP Pryde
Kris Arnold
Tim Dardis
Chelsea Sweeten
Jen Louie
Kyle Zinter
Amanda Stoneham
Ira Rushwald
Joanna Hingle
Mike Daly
Kristian Kaupang
Wayne Begasse
Jodie Eilers
Jason Zabriskie
Brandi Garcia
Clement Gurney
Chris Gerber
Dave Wilkinson
Mica Schoenbeck
Andy Toyota
Murry Kahn
Toby Young
Kirsten Hauge
Stacy Earlywine
Jeff Watts
Doug Daniell
Gerhard Schneider
Kay Ishii
Angela Anderson Crampton
Guy Oram
Stuart Lai
Kelly Coons